Open Water BASIC, PLUS and PRIME

Learn to dive with incredible value!

We now offer three different routes to acheiving your core PADI Diver qualifications (PADI Open Water, Advanced & Rescue), with some package deals offering incredible value!

This post describes our Open Water course packages; Open Water BASIC, Open Water PLUS and Open Water PRIME

open water basic

Open Water BASIC

The Open Water BASIC package is simply the 3-day course, using a paper manual and completing the theoretical aspects of the cousre during your holiday

open water plus

Open Water PLUS

With our Open Water PLUS package you will gain access to PADI´s eLearning or Touch.

You’ll also get to choose from ANY of the masks we have available in our shop to take home with you for free!

open water prime

Open Water PRIME

This package includes online learning and you fist mask,but you will get an extra day of diving after your course with your Instructor acting as a personal guide.

This will ensure maximum retention of skills and maximum fun!

diving tenerife padi open water duikcursussen

PADI Open Water Course with eLearning

Learning to dive involves a mix of the practical and the theoretical.

The practical work is, of course, done with your Instructor in the swimming pool and later in the open ocean.

The theoretical studying is mostly completed in your own time; by reading through the PADI Open Water Diver Manual, reviewing the 5 corresponding videos; and finally by completing tests to ensure that you have understood the main points.

Naturally, many people do not want to spend large parts of their holiday studying from a book or watching some training videos. PADI recognised this and so created two packages – eLearning and Touch – to enable would-be divers to complete this part of the course at home before coming away on holiday.

Not only will you gain extra holiday time, but having longer to review the material without distraction prior to your holiday ensures that you’ll be much better prepared for the parctical aspects of the course when you arrive.

Click here to read the FAQ’s about PADI eLearning

(NOTE: do not purchase eLearning directly from PADI if you wish to enjoy this offer from us)

padi open water tenerife elearning

Open Water PLUS

A big step towards making you more comfortable in the water is getting your first dive mask. A poorly fitting mask can ruin a dive, whereas always having the same one – one which fits and feels comfortable – allows you to relax and truly enjoy your time underwater.

The Open Water PLUS package includes access to PADI eLearning or PADI Touch, plus your first dive mask, and our advise on how to know which is best for you.

Open Water PRIME

Learning to dive is great fun and incredibly rewarding, but involves mastering an entirely new skill set. If not used, these skills can quickly fade away. If you keep diving from an early stage, you’ll find it much easier to progress and feel truly at ease underwater.

This was the motivation for our Open Water PRIME package, which not only includes both benefits of the Open Water PLUS package but adds an extra day of diving (2 dives) with your instructor acting as a private guide – essentially extending the course by 2 further open water dives.